This morning 5:30 (if you can really call it morning, I mean REALLY 5:30 is still night in my book ... and, I believe, in God's book too as it was still pitch black outside) I arose to begin my day of torture. You see, today is my OLDER sister's 40th birthday and for me this meant that I had to find many ways to torture her.
Last night, I made a big lawn sign out of foam core board, stencil letters and an iparty sign that said "Sign Here for the 40th Birthday!" And I added "BEEP HERE" on top (and covering the sign here words) and "Honk Honk!" on the bottom. This morning at 5:30 I drove over to her house and strategically placed it on the front lawn for passersby to gleefully read and beep at. (Did I mention that she lives on probably one of the busiest streets in Norwood? mmwwwaaahaaahaa) I also taped up a big vinal "LOOK WHO JUST TURNED 40!!" sign on the front door for all who were leaving the WOW gym across the street to see. hee hee
Tonight we (my parents, nephew and I) took her to Bugaboo Creek for a very filling dinner. I, of course, got there a bit early to set up the continuance of torture. On the table I place a centerpiece that draped "40"s and balloons - very tasteful. Then when she arrived, I met her at the door with a sash that said, "Congratulations 40", beautiful big beads that had "40" disks all around witha big disk at the bottom that said "Behold the ageless wonder" and, of course, a purple cane that squeeks as you walk with it and had various old age jokey things all down it. She gacefully accepted the torture and followed me to the table where I crowned her with a brilliant tiara with a flashing 40 - still gracious she sat wearing all of her additions through the entire meal. She, of course, thought that the surprises were over, but no. As we finished our meal, our server Julie returned with the rest of the waitstaff (many of whom stopped in throughout the meal with birthday wishes) singing a very loud peppy birthday song with her warm cookie dessert topped with the black "40" candles that I had slipped to her prior to my family's arrival - and her coffee in the big black mug that said "How the @#$#@*& did I get to be 40" which I also slipped to her earlier. Haaaaa Haaaaa Haaaaa I love being the younger sister! She of course reminded me that I am but 18 months behind her, but still it is fun to torture.
We ate at 6:00 ... it is now 10:30 and I am still uncomfortably full. I can't wait to sleep this off! Actually - I just can't wait to sleep in general! 5:30 is NOT a good time to start a day, EVER. At least I have 10 years to recover before the 50th celebration!