Who could possibly pass up a drive to the cape, a casual walk around Falmouth, lunch at the Firefly - an outdoor cafe, an adventure to find a lighthouse and a lobster feast with friends? Not I - so that is how I spent my day yesterday with my husband in the convertable. It was a great day! The sun was shining all day with a slight breeze - perfect summer beach weather. This is exactly the type of day that always got in the way of school preparations too! However, I have now realized that these types of days do not "get in the way" of preparations but rather are a different kind of preparation. In order to be fully prepared for a new year, we have to have the lazy days of summer to rest and recharge or body, spirit and mind... I will try to remind myself of this next summer when I am gainfully employed for the summer months! For now - onward to recharge!
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