Yes - that is him - huge mega music man - that is the one. Well, last Thursday night I skipped my class to go to his concert at the Wang Center. See Jim went to get the tickets during the AMEX presale and he asked me which show I could go to. I told him I could go to his first show in the area which was in RI, or I could go to the 2nd show at the Wang. That is what I said... but what he heard was I can go to the first show at the Wang. He's cute isn't he? So that is the one he got the tickets for ... and when he called me all excited I had to break it to him that he got them for the wrong night. THey were REALLY good seats. But, being the great person that he is, he went back into the Wang and got tickets for Saturday night's show too only by the time he got them they were not so good of seats (in fact they were pretty far up in nosebleed area).
So presented with the option of the REALLY good seats or the pretty crappy seats, I picked really good (wouldn't you?)
Jim was going to send an email out to try to sell Sat night tickets ... didn't get that email? THat's b/c he never got around to sending it. Oh well.
So, Thursday night we went with Gabe and Una to dinner and then over to the Wang for the "really good seats" show. IT was great - really great - really really great. During intermission Jim excused himself to go to the men's room. Gabe broke out the desserts and the 3 of us chowed on cheesecake - YUM! Intermission was about 20 minutes long and Jim never came back. Gabe went to the men's room and came back a couple of minutes later saying there was no line and nobody in the men's room... then JT came back out on stage ... still no Jim ... oh wait there he was walking up toward us from the stage. Yes, that is right he went up to the stage during intermission leaving his friends behind. His motive was good though. He bought a t-shirt that he wanted JT to sign for me for our aniversary ... but he did not have a pen and JT didn't have one either and nobody would let him borrow one.
Sad - I know. BUT
the security dude told Jim to go to a particular door after the show and JT would come out and sign it. So we went and after about 45 minutes JT came out, sharpie in hand, and signed it ... and a poster ... and some of our tickets ... and posed for pictures. He was so patient and nice.
Saturday, I had the pictures printed and enlarged to 8X10 which we took back to the door on Saturday night and had him sign the pics too!!
So cool!
FOr those of you thinking "wow - I thought the summer of Paula ended!" And your next logical thought is of Fall, please use the word Autumn instead. Yes - it appears to be the Autumn of Paula too! (When you say it using "Fall" it just sounds bad - try it ... see - bad)
Will post a picture later. Until then then.... (Update ... I posted the pic, if you missed it go get your eyes checked ... it's huge at the top of this post)
1 comment:
So jealous - SO JEALOUS!
If I didn't like you so much I'd have to hate you. Maybe the lesson is - we should all take a summer off. Life evidently gets very good afterwards. (if it's proportional - just think of how good PJ's life will be when he goes back!)
Enjoy - you deserve it!
PS: thanks for the format change. Now I can actually read the entire post.
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