Monday, January 26, 2009

and another dr appointment..

I know - already? But our visits shifted from Thursdays to Mondays for the remainder of the pregnancy. So we figured there could not be much change in 4 days...

Apparently our little bundle of joy has decided to be a chicken and has retreated to the solitude of the womb. In other words where the head had dropped one stage as of 4 days ago... today it retreated.

Other than that, no change. We did schedule another ultrasound for next monday to check size again. She said she is having some trouble getting a handle on the size based on manual palpations but that it is nothing to worry about.

What is left to do before the big day?
* I need to pack a bag (though everything is washed, dried and folded for me and for baby)
* Jim needs to pack a bag including snacks so that he doesn't pass out in the delivery room (somehow, I don't think snacks are going to help him...)
* We need to install the carseat ( we HAVE the carseat thanks to my sister, it just needs to be installed and then inspected by a friendly policeman ... we figure why do it in 2 steps? Let's just have Gabe, our friendly neighborhood police officer, install AND inspect it at the same time. we just have to ask him...)
* We need to find a pediatrician...
* We need sheets for the bassinet and a particular accessory for said carseat called a "bundle me lite" that will keep the baby warm in the carseat. I am planning on stopping on my way home to pick those 2 things up.

Can anybody else think of anything I am missing?

1 comment:

HerMajesty00 said...

What about a good book for the new momma to read while she relaxes in the hospital with her new baby?
BTW are you sure that cop you want knows how to put in ac ar seat? I mean does he have any prior experience or anything? You would hate a rookie for THAT job. ;>)