Friday, January 19, 2007

Planning ahead

So, Monday Morning, Jim and I are off to Miami, where we will get into our rental car and drive to Key West. We should arrive in Key West somewhere around noonish if we don't stop along the way ... which we may since we have no real plans. At any rate since we are only staying there one night, you can be sure that we will be near the southernmost point at around sunset - it is our one shot to watch the sunset there which I hear is beautiful. Here is a webcam that is pointed at the southermost point. If you check in near sunset (roughly 6:00pm) you might see us ... might.

Then we are off to Miami to stay in the crazy expensive hotel that we bought a 2 night stay in at my cousin Leanne's auction.

We leave to come home Thursday night and arrive late late that night.

I will try to blog something while I am there, but we al know how that worked out in Vegas, sooooo, we'll have to see. The good news is that there is free internet in Key West at our hotel. I am not sure about in Miami.

The forcast is "isolated thunderstorms" for Miami and Key West during the whole time we are there but the temp is roughly 80 degrees. There is a 20 = 30% chance of rain ... so start praying! (Incidentaly - you are praying that it does NOT rain while we are there, k?)

Thanks much!

1 comment:

margmor said...

Have a great trip you two!! Drive safe!