That was the theme of our class tonight, which you can imagine was a difficult concept for me because of how competitive I am. So we would play a game and half way through he would say - now try it with the mantra "it doesn't matter".
For all you ym types who are looking for the new games that I am learning here are 2 fun ones:
Colors (small group): One person in the middle - the rest in circle around close up with hands palm up. Each person picks a color including the person in the middle (each one different) then one person in the circle calls out a color - the person who is that color calls out another color before the person in the middle can slap their hands... if the person in the middle slaps the hands of the other person before they can say another color, then they switch places ... now play like it doesn't matter ...
Checkout: Two people in the middle of the circle "facing off". A location is given and the two people have to name things that you would find at that location while pretending to scan them like at a supermarket checkout. Example: Cemetary: headstones, grass, flowers, candle, pictures, rosary beads, incense, insects, prayer cards, play like it doesn't matter
What did you learn tonight P? Well, I learned that I am a very competitive person ... ok I REALLY learned that years ago when I broke up with a bf because of a minigolf game. Well, before you judge, I wanted to have a do-over and he wouldn't let me. A - it was just a game, why can't I do a do-over ; B - chivalry anyone ; and C - well, like I said, I am competitive - soooooooo end of relationship. NO - I was not 15 either!
Oh - you are probably wondering what ever happened with B and his crass foul mouth. Well, I had gotten to calss early and asked E if he could give a little "lets keep it clean" talk at the beginning of class, which he did, but B was not there yet. But it was all good cause after B arrived, E gave the keep it clean speach again and it was all good.
We did a bunch of character building activities - prefaced by a statement about "we are not what we do" in other words, we sometimes do things that are not who we are ... if we like the way somebody else does something and we start to do it too - we can become what we do and it all intermingles. Deep, eh? So back to the "we are not what we do" statement - rememer the Irish Social Club ... the old lady incident? Ya - I am not what I do.
Until later then.
Friday, September 29, 2006
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
hmmm this is interesting - MLB means Major League Baseball - which J and I are going to a Sox game tonight ... so exciting ... Fenway Franks ... or maybe a sausage sandwich ... the crack of the bat (if they get any hits tonight) ... the roar of the crowd (same assumption). We were supposed to go with my little cousins, Cam and Brian, but apparently Cam "did something bad" and could no longer go and that dumped Brian too. So their older bro Chris is going with one of his friends. It saves us a trip to Franklin to do a pick up ... and it still is a night with a cousin afterall. These are the tickets we got in the silent auction for their sister's foundation (Leanne Schmall Foundation)
BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT MLB ALSO reminded me that I never shared with you that I went to Chelmsford last week to hear Mary Lee Becker talk about Middle School youth. I love that woman! She just reminds us of where the MS youth are in their development (physically, spiritually, intellectually, socially and morally) which is all over the place and also of their needs - to be social and loved. She uses the example of how when she goes to Mass, especially in a strange place, she finds the altar servers and thanks them for servicng the parish in that way. She says that they way they look at her is comical - like huh? you are thanking me? um - your welcome?
So I did this on Sunday. I went up and thanked the older one for serving (and introduced myself too) and told him that he was such a great witness and example for the younger one. He seemed genuinely pleased to be noticed. I then went out to the altar to thank the younger one. He was so little and cute - he said um - your welcome? so cute! I will continue to do this and will start to remember their names and thank them by name. Simple thing but meaningful to these young people ... and it is truly nice to have them up there serving with ease (sometimes not with ease - but that just keeps things interesting)
How we view influences how we value ... think about that for a minute... Now think about the MS youth that you know ... ok got a group in mind? MLB reminds us that with MS youth we have to minister from the inside out ... view them from the inside not from what comes out on the outside ... make sense?
that they are concrete (can I draw a picture of it? good that is concrete) and they have these 3 questions with what you are teaching: What does it mean? Why does it matter? How does it make a difference in my life / the world?
and that they are limit pushers by design - it is their job ... so those MS youth who push and push and push until you want to scream? They are overachievers at their job. love them for that ... remind me of that sometime please!
So that is my post on MLB!
BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT MLB ALSO reminded me that I never shared with you that I went to Chelmsford last week to hear Mary Lee Becker talk about Middle School youth. I love that woman! She just reminds us of where the MS youth are in their development (physically, spiritually, intellectually, socially and morally) which is all over the place and also of their needs - to be social and loved. She uses the example of how when she goes to Mass, especially in a strange place, she finds the altar servers and thanks them for servicng the parish in that way. She says that they way they look at her is comical - like huh? you are thanking me? um - your welcome?
So I did this on Sunday. I went up and thanked the older one for serving (and introduced myself too) and told him that he was such a great witness and example for the younger one. He seemed genuinely pleased to be noticed. I then went out to the altar to thank the younger one. He was so little and cute - he said um - your welcome? so cute! I will continue to do this and will start to remember their names and thank them by name. Simple thing but meaningful to these young people ... and it is truly nice to have them up there serving with ease (sometimes not with ease - but that just keeps things interesting)
How we view influences how we value ... think about that for a minute... Now think about the MS youth that you know ... ok got a group in mind? MLB reminds us that with MS youth we have to minister from the inside out ... view them from the inside not from what comes out on the outside ... make sense?
that they are concrete (can I draw a picture of it? good that is concrete) and they have these 3 questions with what you are teaching: What does it mean? Why does it matter? How does it make a difference in my life / the world?
and that they are limit pushers by design - it is their job ... so those MS youth who push and push and push until you want to scream? They are overachievers at their job. love them for that ... remind me of that sometime please!
So that is my post on MLB!
Monday, September 25, 2006
Guess who I met this morning...

Conaaaaaaaaaaaaaan OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO'Briiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnn That is Conan O'Brien. Woot! Woot!
J and I went to the press event for the grand opening of Cor Unum Meal Center (means one heart in Latin). It is a place where people can go to get a meal 365 days a year. It is supported by Labels Are For Jars see more on it at
The project was started by the pastor of St. Patrick Parish in Lawrence Fr. Paul O'Brien (aka Fr. O'Dreamy). Fr. Paul and Conan were roommates in college and have remained friends ever since. Conan is a central committee member of Labels and was on hand this morning fo rthe ribbon cutting and bread breaking ceremony.
So it was cool to be there for a number of reasons - first that a couple of years ago, O'Dreamy took J and me on a tour of the area behind his parish. Down and embankment, across the railroad tracks and up a hill was an old gravel and sand storage building which then was housing many of Lawrences homeless population as did the banks of the railroad tracks at the time. He took us inside the building and showed us where people had made their homes and then to a hole in the side of this building and said --see here - look across the railroad tracks - my vision is that there in the vacant lot will stand a meal center to feed these people and many other people who are hungry in Lawrence. First and formost, (he was pointing to the vacant lot) people will know where they will get their next meal. Eventually as they begin to be able to hold their head up high again they will see where the meal came from and he raised his hand up to the church - it comes from the love of God. Well today that vision is a reality, and it was great to be there for the opening.
During the press conference, Conan looked down to where I was standing and looked directly at me. I almost waved before I realized that while I knew him because he comes into my livingroom (or sometimes bedroom) each night, he did not in reality know me. A few minutes later as I was wondering aroung the rooms of the center checking everything out, a woman stopped me and said hi in a very familiar tone. I stared blankly at her and said um - hi. She said, Oh don't you remember I met you last night ... I was with so-and-so. I said, um ... I am a youth minister in Wayland and I had a parent meeting last night .... so .... unless you are one of my parents... and she said Oh my gosh no! There is a woman who could be your twin who was here last night. She is on the leadership team. Really you could be her twin.
As the morning progressed I noticed that many people were looking at me funny - like they knew me and were waiting for me to say hi. Then this guy on the leadership team was walking by me and patted me on the pack. I turned and looked at him and he looked right at me like - Hey. So I said - um hi? He said, OMG I am so sorry. You look just like this woman I know - I mean JUST like her. I said that mistake had been happenning all morning. He said it was really uncanny how much we looked alike. He said - If you ever need a stunt double I know just the person for you... I told him to tell her that I would be her stunt double whenever she needed one cause stunt doubles get paid the big bucks.
So then there were all kinds of press interviews going on all around and fianlly conan and o'dreamy emerged from the kitchen and o'dreamy introduced conan to j and me. (incidently - wet noodle handshake - ick) but then outside, I asked o'dreamy if I could get my picture with conan and he said sure - quickly b/c he had to get him to the airport. and there it was! I am thinking of sending the picture to my twin since she could claim it is her - apparently everybody would believe it!
Saturday, September 23, 2006
2 newbies
So week 2 of class. 2 new students in class. One male (B) one female (C). C - great addition. Very quick learner - got up to speed very quickly and integrated right in with the rest of us. B - not so much. He was an F bomb dropper from the get go. And really aggressive and confrontational. He really changed the dynamics of our group ... I don't like him at all (can you tell)
We played this really embarassing game - really to get us to react quickly and save each other. One person in the middle sings a song - when a "related" song popped into your head you tapped the person in the middle on the shoulder and took their place and sang your song and on and on. Everyone in the circle sings along with you or if they don't know the words, they can beat-box or accompany you in whatever way they can. So it is going along rather well until B jumps in and sings "Let's all get drunk and screw" We all accompanied with gasps and uncomfortable laughter until our instructor jumped in and saved the game.
Ya know that conversation game I talked about last week? Well when he got his first topic he decided that "dentists suck" so let's talk about something else ... little did he know that one of the students is a dental student. Nice going!
Then we did a new scene game where we did not play ourselves. E, our instructor, gave us a location and whatever we said was true. So B get in a scene with R - the guy mentioned last week. The location - on a yacht. B says something like "ah - i love being out here on the fn water - it's fn gorgeous out here" R has no idea how to react - as you can imagine. so it was a very uncomforatble scene. eventually B tells R that he follows all of his financial advice which is how he got the yacht. R tells B that he thinks that B should build a sidewalk on the ocean so he can get off of the yacht and back onto solid ground. B says what are you fn crazy? I thing a better use of money would be on a shrink for you and your crazy ideas. E then reminded him that he had said that he follows ALL of R's financial advice. So the scene starts to play that way until B asks R what else he should do with his money and R says I am thinking of a rain drop escalator. B gets this look on his face that says he is about to go off on R for his crazy ideas again and E calls scene just in the nic of time.
I am planning on getting to class early next week and asking E to address language and name calling and hope that B takes the hint.
We played this really embarassing game - really to get us to react quickly and save each other. One person in the middle sings a song - when a "related" song popped into your head you tapped the person in the middle on the shoulder and took their place and sang your song and on and on. Everyone in the circle sings along with you or if they don't know the words, they can beat-box or accompany you in whatever way they can. So it is going along rather well until B jumps in and sings "Let's all get drunk and screw" We all accompanied with gasps and uncomfortable laughter until our instructor jumped in and saved the game.
Ya know that conversation game I talked about last week? Well when he got his first topic he decided that "dentists suck" so let's talk about something else ... little did he know that one of the students is a dental student. Nice going!
Then we did a new scene game where we did not play ourselves. E, our instructor, gave us a location and whatever we said was true. So B get in a scene with R - the guy mentioned last week. The location - on a yacht. B says something like "ah - i love being out here on the fn water - it's fn gorgeous out here" R has no idea how to react - as you can imagine. so it was a very uncomforatble scene. eventually B tells R that he follows all of his financial advice which is how he got the yacht. R tells B that he thinks that B should build a sidewalk on the ocean so he can get off of the yacht and back onto solid ground. B says what are you fn crazy? I thing a better use of money would be on a shrink for you and your crazy ideas. E then reminded him that he had said that he follows ALL of R's financial advice. So the scene starts to play that way until B asks R what else he should do with his money and R says I am thinking of a rain drop escalator. B gets this look on his face that says he is about to go off on R for his crazy ideas again and E calls scene just in the nic of time.
I am planning on getting to class early next week and asking E to address language and name calling and hope that B takes the hint.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Can I get a witness? No?
Ok - so I am not going to rant about the training. It is as ridiculous as everyone else says - and frustrating too. 'nough said
S - cool hanging out with you in between things tonight. Thanks for being available.
Sooo the improv class. It is great! We started with the name with and action game - Jim's old favorite. It had a newer twist though. It was actually fun again. then we played some quick on your toes word association games, an emotion icebreaker and then I learned my first lesson: In Improv - Things are not right or wrong, they just are. and so it is with life ... now for those of you who know me even a little bit, this is BIG. I am a rule person, a procedure person, an order person (really, you? Yes it is true)So this concept was interesting and life-changing too. I am sure I will do more processing with that one, but for tonight, it was freeing.
So we played a saying yes game ... interesting twist since there is so much talking about saying no in my day job... TAT and all, ya know. Very fun to say yes!
So who is in my class you are wondering? Are they socially inept, or normal, or strange people? Well, yes. There is one guy and the rest are women - except the instructor who is also a guy. So, apparently telling the instructor that I am a youth minister and work with MS and HS kids made me a target to go first at most games and exercises tonight. That was a bit out of my comfort zone as those who know me know well. I like to hear how something is done, watch it be done, then do it. Tonight was just do it.
Anyway, I came into the circle at the beginning of the night and sat across from the guy - not the instructor, but the other guy. He had this arrogant look about him and I wondered what his story was ... was he a theatre guy and thinking "what am I doing with these amateurs?" "i can't believe I am the only guy" what gave him that look? Well apparently it was nerves because he is the sweetest, strangest guy I have ever met. I would probably be afraid of him if I met him in a bar, but in this setting he is sooooooooooooo funny - partly because he does not know he is funny and partly because he has this amazing comedic timing. Maybe he is playing us all and he is really play-acting, but holy cow I need a witness.
So here is a part of his story, let me set the scene. One of our games at the beginning was "name 7" where the person to our right gave us a topic and we had to list 7 things related to that topic. I got "things you had when you were little", I gave "common pet names", there was "languages", "green vegetables", "favorite foods" so when it was his turn he got "TV shows" He said - oh can you pick something else, I don't watch tv" ok then he got some other benign thing that did not apply, can't remember what it was ... so then he got "articles of clothes" and he did it. So I go the sense that he was sheltered or at the very least, a little different. No problem - that gives you a sense though of who he is - not the arrogant guy he came off as, but rather an insecure little lamb. SO later on we had to pair up and one pair at a time we had to hold a conversation on a topic that the "audience" (the rest of us) came up with. Topics were things like shopping, restaurants, travel - really run of the mill stuff. If you knew nothing about the topic, you could begin by saying something like, so - what is you opinion on __________. When it was his turn, he was paired up with the quietest girl in the group. Our instructor, sensing disaster, quickly shot out a very benign topic hoping the ball would roll rather quickly for them... animals. Here is the conversation s-she h=he
s: So, what is you opinion on animals
h: Well, I didn't really know you could have an opinion on animals. Animals are animals. Do you have an opinion on animals?
s: Yes, I don't care very much for them.
h: Oh that is too bad, why?
s: I think it stems from trauma as a child.
h: oh really? What happened?
s: Well when I was around 5, I went into a pet store and a goldfish jumped out of a tank and landed on me.
(room erupts in laughter)
h: Wow - it just jumped out? How strange!
s: ya - so pretty much I just stayed away from animals after that. What about you, did you have any pets growing up?
h: No. well - when I was little I had a puppy for a little while ... like a couple of months …until one day my parents took him away.
s: oh no! Why did they do that?
h: they said he was eating up the house, I don't really know. And well, I had a cat once too until my parents threw him out on the highway ... well it just kept having kittens ... it had like 11 litters and those cats had a bunch of kittens too ... it was bad ... there were lots of cats being born retarded and stuff …
(nervous laughter still filling room)
h continues: and I had a bunch of bunnies too, but my parents just like let them go in like cemeteries and stuff. so, ya I don't know what about you, do you have any pets now?
(total eruption of laughter again)
s: no, I have really stayed away since the goldfish incident. But I do work in a lab and do testing on mice.
h: REALLY!! I read an article in the paper about how rats can have totally different personalities - like one can be evil and the other not even if they have the same parents.
s: Well, I don't really know anything about that... but the mice I work with definitely seem to have feelings.
h: really, how so?
s: well sometimes I have to anesthetize one or even put them down and the others nearby get all nervous
h: wow, how can you tell they are nervous?
s: well, they like run around in their cages and stuff, you can just tell – so I guess I can see how you could have one evil rat and one not within the same family
Instructor: and scene.
(insight into my mind … holy shit, what just happened here? I want to laugh, but I want to cry. That was the most bazaar conversation I think I have ever witnessed … too bad this guy has no idea how funny he is, he could make millions)
Instructor: Ok, next time someone else give the topic. I am done.
(pent up nervousness released in total eruption of laughter)
Yes – I think this class will be quite fun! What do you think? If he were under 18, I think I would have to file a 51A – true?
Until later…
S - cool hanging out with you in between things tonight. Thanks for being available.
Sooo the improv class. It is great! We started with the name with and action game - Jim's old favorite. It had a newer twist though. It was actually fun again. then we played some quick on your toes word association games, an emotion icebreaker and then I learned my first lesson: In Improv - Things are not right or wrong, they just are. and so it is with life ... now for those of you who know me even a little bit, this is BIG. I am a rule person, a procedure person, an order person (really, you? Yes it is true)So this concept was interesting and life-changing too. I am sure I will do more processing with that one, but for tonight, it was freeing.
So we played a saying yes game ... interesting twist since there is so much talking about saying no in my day job... TAT and all, ya know. Very fun to say yes!
So who is in my class you are wondering? Are they socially inept, or normal, or strange people? Well, yes. There is one guy and the rest are women - except the instructor who is also a guy. So, apparently telling the instructor that I am a youth minister and work with MS and HS kids made me a target to go first at most games and exercises tonight. That was a bit out of my comfort zone as those who know me know well. I like to hear how something is done, watch it be done, then do it. Tonight was just do it.
Anyway, I came into the circle at the beginning of the night and sat across from the guy - not the instructor, but the other guy. He had this arrogant look about him and I wondered what his story was ... was he a theatre guy and thinking "what am I doing with these amateurs?" "i can't believe I am the only guy" what gave him that look? Well apparently it was nerves because he is the sweetest, strangest guy I have ever met. I would probably be afraid of him if I met him in a bar, but in this setting he is sooooooooooooo funny - partly because he does not know he is funny and partly because he has this amazing comedic timing. Maybe he is playing us all and he is really play-acting, but holy cow I need a witness.
So here is a part of his story, let me set the scene. One of our games at the beginning was "name 7" where the person to our right gave us a topic and we had to list 7 things related to that topic. I got "things you had when you were little", I gave "common pet names", there was "languages", "green vegetables", "favorite foods" so when it was his turn he got "TV shows" He said - oh can you pick something else, I don't watch tv" ok then he got some other benign thing that did not apply, can't remember what it was ... so then he got "articles of clothes" and he did it. So I go the sense that he was sheltered or at the very least, a little different. No problem - that gives you a sense though of who he is - not the arrogant guy he came off as, but rather an insecure little lamb. SO later on we had to pair up and one pair at a time we had to hold a conversation on a topic that the "audience" (the rest of us) came up with. Topics were things like shopping, restaurants, travel - really run of the mill stuff. If you knew nothing about the topic, you could begin by saying something like, so - what is you opinion on __________. When it was his turn, he was paired up with the quietest girl in the group. Our instructor, sensing disaster, quickly shot out a very benign topic hoping the ball would roll rather quickly for them... animals. Here is the conversation s-she h=he
s: So, what is you opinion on animals
h: Well, I didn't really know you could have an opinion on animals. Animals are animals. Do you have an opinion on animals?
s: Yes, I don't care very much for them.
h: Oh that is too bad, why?
s: I think it stems from trauma as a child.
h: oh really? What happened?
s: Well when I was around 5, I went into a pet store and a goldfish jumped out of a tank and landed on me.
(room erupts in laughter)
h: Wow - it just jumped out? How strange!
s: ya - so pretty much I just stayed away from animals after that. What about you, did you have any pets growing up?
h: No. well - when I was little I had a puppy for a little while ... like a couple of months …until one day my parents took him away.
s: oh no! Why did they do that?
h: they said he was eating up the house, I don't really know. And well, I had a cat once too until my parents threw him out on the highway ... well it just kept having kittens ... it had like 11 litters and those cats had a bunch of kittens too ... it was bad ... there were lots of cats being born retarded and stuff …
(nervous laughter still filling room)
h continues: and I had a bunch of bunnies too, but my parents just like let them go in like cemeteries and stuff. so, ya I don't know what about you, do you have any pets now?
(total eruption of laughter again)
s: no, I have really stayed away since the goldfish incident. But I do work in a lab and do testing on mice.
h: REALLY!! I read an article in the paper about how rats can have totally different personalities - like one can be evil and the other not even if they have the same parents.
s: Well, I don't really know anything about that... but the mice I work with definitely seem to have feelings.
h: really, how so?
s: well sometimes I have to anesthetize one or even put them down and the others nearby get all nervous
h: wow, how can you tell they are nervous?
s: well, they like run around in their cages and stuff, you can just tell – so I guess I can see how you could have one evil rat and one not within the same family
Instructor: and scene.
(insight into my mind … holy shit, what just happened here? I want to laugh, but I want to cry. That was the most bazaar conversation I think I have ever witnessed … too bad this guy has no idea how funny he is, he could make millions)
Instructor: Ok, next time someone else give the topic. I am done.
(pent up nervousness released in total eruption of laughter)
Yes – I think this class will be quite fun! What do you think? If he were under 18, I think I would have to file a 51A – true?
Until later…
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
A Day Off
Ah - a sabbath... not really though. I spent most of the day doing some type of job related internet searching, then I had a fantastic meeting with my boss at 4:30 and dinner with the staff at 6:00 to bit farewell to our PA, who is just a wonderful person. So sad that she is leaving even after only one week of working with her.
So the meeting was GREAT - we are SO on the same page! Love him!!
The dinner rocked - my boss and shared this spicy hot calamari that was out of this world and I had almond encrusted salmon which was the best I have ever had ... and those who know me know that I love my salmon. (my own grilled salmon is the best though)
Now I am getting some things in order at my desk as I will be out of the office for the next 2 days at the crazy off-site meeting that everyone is talking about. I guess it is a doozy so watch for future posts on that.
Tomorrow (September 14th) is the 1-year aniversary of my cousin Leanne's passing. It is a very very sad time for my family so please keep us in your prayers. It is so hard to believe that she is really gone. I was explaining to a friend yesterday that it seems like it is just settling in that she is really not coming back - I know that sounds strange, but it is suddenly "real" - and it is really sad. Then I read my cousin's website last night and read that her mom is feeling that too. The saddness is so so overwhelming at times it is like it is happening all over again. I have never experienced this before. So - as I said - keep praying.
On an upnote - I am taking a class on Thurday nights for the next 8 weeks in boston called Improv for Life. It sounded intriguing so I signed up. THis was the description:
Is there some aspect of your general interactions with other people you would like to improve? Do you worry that you are shy, have trouble with interviews, are not social enough at parties, or have problems expressing your feelings well? Learn how to look at each aspect of your social life for what it is - a skill. As with any other skill, your social skills can be improved with practice. Using the basic building blocks of improvisational comedy, hone your social skills in a supportive environment, while having a great time and learning improvisational comedy techniques used by professionals. Not an ordinary improv class, Improv for Life flips the usual priorities - instead of learning how to perform on stage and having social development be a pleasant side effect, focus on you in your greatest role ever - playing yourself, in your life.
While I don't feel that I am socially inept - I do struggle coming up with conversation when meeting new people and since all I am doing these days is meeting new people I thought it would be good. Plus - there are bound to be improv-ing games that would be great for youth ministry too... of couse if everyone else in class is a social outcast this could be very interesting indeed ... will keep you posted ...
Until later...
So the meeting was GREAT - we are SO on the same page! Love him!!
The dinner rocked - my boss and shared this spicy hot calamari that was out of this world and I had almond encrusted salmon which was the best I have ever had ... and those who know me know that I love my salmon. (my own grilled salmon is the best though)
Now I am getting some things in order at my desk as I will be out of the office for the next 2 days at the crazy off-site meeting that everyone is talking about. I guess it is a doozy so watch for future posts on that.
Tomorrow (September 14th) is the 1-year aniversary of my cousin Leanne's passing. It is a very very sad time for my family so please keep us in your prayers. It is so hard to believe that she is really gone. I was explaining to a friend yesterday that it seems like it is just settling in that she is really not coming back - I know that sounds strange, but it is suddenly "real" - and it is really sad. Then I read my cousin's website last night and read that her mom is feeling that too. The saddness is so so overwhelming at times it is like it is happening all over again. I have never experienced this before. So - as I said - keep praying.
On an upnote - I am taking a class on Thurday nights for the next 8 weeks in boston called Improv for Life. It sounded intriguing so I signed up. THis was the description:
Is there some aspect of your general interactions with other people you would like to improve? Do you worry that you are shy, have trouble with interviews, are not social enough at parties, or have problems expressing your feelings well? Learn how to look at each aspect of your social life for what it is - a skill. As with any other skill, your social skills can be improved with practice. Using the basic building blocks of improvisational comedy, hone your social skills in a supportive environment, while having a great time and learning improvisational comedy techniques used by professionals. Not an ordinary improv class, Improv for Life flips the usual priorities - instead of learning how to perform on stage and having social development be a pleasant side effect, focus on you in your greatest role ever - playing yourself, in your life.
While I don't feel that I am socially inept - I do struggle coming up with conversation when meeting new people and since all I am doing these days is meeting new people I thought it would be good. Plus - there are bound to be improv-ing games that would be great for youth ministry too... of couse if everyone else in class is a social outcast this could be very interesting indeed ... will keep you posted ...
Until later...
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Soda Machine in office!
I went to target today and got the best thing!! A personal soda machine that holds 18 cans of soda ... diet coke of course. It was on clearance for $50! Much cheaper than the little fridge that I had intended to buy. It is 3 sleeves with 6 cans in a sleeve, so I can put DC in 2 sleeves and my lunch in the 3rd ... if it is a sandwich of course. The place where the cans come out has a door too so I am waiting to see if that area stays cold too. If so, my lunch could go there and I can put fresca in the 3rd sleeve. So excited!
So, yesterday was the Ride for Leanne - my cousin who passed away last year from Melanoma. The ride raises money for the Leanne Schmall Foundation which gives scholarships in her memory. So there was this silent auction going on in one corner and Jim and I got so much stuff for a fraction of what it would retail for. We got a portable grill - really cool for camping ... so now we have to go next year! We got a 2 night stay at this AMAZING hotel in Miami that is worth $300 per night ... so now we will HAVE to take a couple of days off this year to go there. We got 2 tickets to a Red Sox game ... ya, I know they stink this year but my little cousin Cameron got the other 2 tickets and we are trying to convice him to take Brian (his little brother who is also my godchild) so it could make for a very cool night. We got a Frank Malzone autographed baseball (he played for the Sox for 11 years 1955 - 1965 and is said to be one of the greatest, if not THE greatest 3rd baseman in Red Sox history). Oh - and cool vase that will be filled with a $75 floral arrangement next weekend when I go to Franklin for the 1 year anniversary Mass. Also, I won the 50/50 raffle for $114 AND Jim won a pasta cooker pot, a little carry-on bag and a $10 GC to Applebees. All in all it was a great day and Leanne was definitely with us in spirit.
Today was our outdoor Mass and cookout! It was great! Everyone was so welcoming and friendly. It is all done by a volunteer team and is just a great way to start the new year. It was perfect weather AND the food was ready as soon as Mass let out so there was no waiting. I love it here. (sorry M - but please let me spill my joy a little while longer ... I deserve this, don't I?)
So, yesterday was the Ride for Leanne - my cousin who passed away last year from Melanoma. The ride raises money for the Leanne Schmall Foundation which gives scholarships in her memory. So there was this silent auction going on in one corner and Jim and I got so much stuff for a fraction of what it would retail for. We got a portable grill - really cool for camping ... so now we have to go next year! We got a 2 night stay at this AMAZING hotel in Miami that is worth $300 per night ... so now we will HAVE to take a couple of days off this year to go there. We got 2 tickets to a Red Sox game ... ya, I know they stink this year but my little cousin Cameron got the other 2 tickets and we are trying to convice him to take Brian (his little brother who is also my godchild) so it could make for a very cool night. We got a Frank Malzone autographed baseball (he played for the Sox for 11 years 1955 - 1965 and is said to be one of the greatest, if not THE greatest 3rd baseman in Red Sox history). Oh - and cool vase that will be filled with a $75 floral arrangement next weekend when I go to Franklin for the 1 year anniversary Mass. Also, I won the 50/50 raffle for $114 AND Jim won a pasta cooker pot, a little carry-on bag and a $10 GC to Applebees. All in all it was a great day and Leanne was definitely with us in spirit.
Today was our outdoor Mass and cookout! It was great! Everyone was so welcoming and friendly. It is all done by a volunteer team and is just a great way to start the new year. It was perfect weather AND the food was ready as soon as Mass let out so there was no waiting. I love it here. (sorry M - but please let me spill my joy a little while longer ... I deserve this, don't I?)
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Well here we are at the very end of day two. I had a meeting with my boss and the PA today about the outdoor Mass that is on this weekend ... oh and taking on the CORI/CAP tracking. Then a tour of my new town, the schools, the oreo cows, the places the kids work, the eating establishments, etc. Very extensive! Then tonight I had a meeting with a group of involved adults on service type stuff, which was great. It seems like the parents may be on the same page with my own goals and such. I am sooooooooooooo tired though. I think I have allergies to something in the building so I am stuffy and hence have not changed the outgoing VM message cause you only get one chance to make first impression and I don't want to be all nasally.
Now onward to sleep - and sleep I will. Tomorrow we are having lunch near home with an old youth group kid of my husband's. He (this kid ... who is not a kid anymore) is studying for the priesthood in Rome. We ran into him in Piazza Navona on our honeymoon - which is when we found out that he was in the seminary and in Rome too. Weird! Sooooooo because of that lunch, I get to sleep in! Yippee!!
Now onward to sleep - and sleep I will. Tomorrow we are having lunch near home with an old youth group kid of my husband's. He (this kid ... who is not a kid anymore) is studying for the priesthood in Rome. We ran into him in Piazza Navona on our honeymoon - which is when we found out that he was in the seminary and in Rome too. Weird! Sooooooo because of that lunch, I get to sleep in! Yippee!!
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
No sores from the new saddle...
So day 1 of the new job is over. It was a strange feeling driving in today. I had no idea what my day would look like. I had aimed to get there at 10:00 but I actually arrived at 11:00. No problemo.
I met with my new boss first. He basically said that his hope is that we will remain status quo for the beginning and then he looks forward to seeing where my creativity will take us. And if there is anything I need from him, just let him know. We talked about the location of my office ... in the basement ... and the possibility of moving up a floor. After much analysis we decided that it is better for right now to stay in basement. I have my own entrance so people coming after hours will not distur after hours activities in the rectory as he has living quarters on the first floor too.
Then I met with the DRE for the lower grades and she had a list of things that were waiting for me to start... need for catechists ... checks received for retreats that were not accompanied by any forms ... book order needing to be placed ...showing me how to access calendar, email and vm ...
I made a list of questions to ask the YM at the neighboring parish... I im'd with her and spoke with her ... we are meeting tomorrow and she will give me a tour of the town, show me where the schools are, where to get a sandwich ... and aspirin, and answer any questions I came up with as I began to sort through the stuff I was given today.
Then, to my surprise - my boss stopped down to ask me how my first day was going. He said he wanted me to know that he is happy that I am on board and that I am valued here. How great is that!! Such a simple gesture, yet full of meaning.
I think this is the beginning of a great adventure.
I met with my new boss first. He basically said that his hope is that we will remain status quo for the beginning and then he looks forward to seeing where my creativity will take us. And if there is anything I need from him, just let him know. We talked about the location of my office ... in the basement ... and the possibility of moving up a floor. After much analysis we decided that it is better for right now to stay in basement. I have my own entrance so people coming after hours will not distur after hours activities in the rectory as he has living quarters on the first floor too.
Then I met with the DRE for the lower grades and she had a list of things that were waiting for me to start... need for catechists ... checks received for retreats that were not accompanied by any forms ... book order needing to be placed ...showing me how to access calendar, email and vm ...
I made a list of questions to ask the YM at the neighboring parish... I im'd with her and spoke with her ... we are meeting tomorrow and she will give me a tour of the town, show me where the schools are, where to get a sandwich ... and aspirin, and answer any questions I came up with as I began to sort through the stuff I was given today.
Then, to my surprise - my boss stopped down to ask me how my first day was going. He said he wanted me to know that he is happy that I am on board and that I am valued here. How great is that!! Such a simple gesture, yet full of meaning.
I think this is the beginning of a great adventure.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Oh the places you've been
Today we had brunch with the former director of the OYM and spent a few hours reminiscing about the various programs and people of memory throughout the last 15 years. Some of the memories are to be cherished, some are to be learned from to say the least. It was great to hear funny stories that happened before my time in ministry and reminisce about the stories that included me too. Fr. Tom quipped that as he has spent some time processing all that has occurred during the past 15 years and he had to say that it was a bit like the Dr. Seuss book "Oh the places you'll go" but from this angle it was "Oh the places you've been".
Paris and Denver and Rome and Toronto and Germany ... Mississippi, Alabama, Peru, Bolivia and Honduras ... Youth ministers who came through the ranks as youth themselves ... youth who really left their mark - good and bad! ...
While it was a great few hours of laughter – and a GREAT brunch btw … check out Paparazzi for a top-notch brunch if you get the chance – it did leave me wondering what the future holds for youth ministry in our Archdiocese. Many opportunities have been available throughout my tenure because of the ability for many parishes to each bring a small group of youth and adults together to create a memorable experience... YOW, Gospel Road, CLI, World Youth Day, Regional youth and regional adult gatherings, National Youth and National Adult gatherings, Conventions, Rallies, Resource days … we have already seen the demise of the conventions and rallies in our Archdiocese. Now that there are only 2 full-time employees for Youth Ministry, the question lingers in the air, are we launching a new release of “Oh the Places You’ll Go” or are we truly at “Oh the places we’ve been”?
Paris and Denver and Rome and Toronto and Germany ... Mississippi, Alabama, Peru, Bolivia and Honduras ... Youth ministers who came through the ranks as youth themselves ... youth who really left their mark - good and bad! ...
While it was a great few hours of laughter – and a GREAT brunch btw … check out Paparazzi for a top-notch brunch if you get the chance – it did leave me wondering what the future holds for youth ministry in our Archdiocese. Many opportunities have been available throughout my tenure because of the ability for many parishes to each bring a small group of youth and adults together to create a memorable experience... YOW, Gospel Road, CLI, World Youth Day, Regional youth and regional adult gatherings, National Youth and National Adult gatherings, Conventions, Rallies, Resource days … we have already seen the demise of the conventions and rallies in our Archdiocese. Now that there are only 2 full-time employees for Youth Ministry, the question lingers in the air, are we launching a new release of “Oh the Places You’ll Go” or are we truly at “Oh the places we’ve been”?
Saturday, September 02, 2006
2 more days of summer
Well I am freshly home from our overnight stay in Wareham with some of our closest friends. It was a laughfest - I don't think I have laughed that hard in a long, long time. Inhonor of our evening game of things I will take this opportunity to list: Things... that I loved about my summer:
Sunny days in the convertable
Lunch at the Red Parrot on Natasket Beach
The retreat in Vermont in June
Joining the gym AND actually having time to use it!
Getting side bangs
Getting my video ipod
2 mission trips to Mississippi
The annual Conway softball game
P-town overnight with family including drag show where my dad got picked on
Whitewater rafting including the wheelie that ended with all boatmates swimming downstream
Hike in vermont
Day in Falmouth ... especially the adventure to the lighthouse
T's 40th Birthday celebration
Overnight in Wareham ... especially DDR Christian version, Nunchucking, Things with friends, Photo booth and Extreme Jenga
All that AND 2 days left to go...
Sunny days in the convertable
Lunch at the Red Parrot on Natasket Beach
The retreat in Vermont in June
Joining the gym AND actually having time to use it!
Getting side bangs
Getting my video ipod
2 mission trips to Mississippi
The annual Conway softball game
P-town overnight with family including drag show where my dad got picked on
Whitewater rafting including the wheelie that ended with all boatmates swimming downstream
Hike in vermont
Day in Falmouth ... especially the adventure to the lighthouse
T's 40th Birthday celebration
Overnight in Wareham ... especially DDR Christian version, Nunchucking, Things with friends, Photo booth and Extreme Jenga
All that AND 2 days left to go...
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