Tuesday, September 26, 2006


hmmm this is interesting - MLB means Major League Baseball - which J and I are going to a Sox game tonight ... so exciting ... Fenway Franks ... or maybe a sausage sandwich ... the crack of the bat (if they get any hits tonight) ... the roar of the crowd (same assumption). We were supposed to go with my little cousins, Cam and Brian, but apparently Cam "did something bad" and could no longer go and that dumped Brian too. So their older bro Chris is going with one of his friends. It saves us a trip to Franklin to do a pick up ... and it still is a night with a cousin afterall. These are the tickets we got in the silent auction for their sister's foundation (Leanne Schmall Foundation)

BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT MLB ALSO reminded me that I never shared with you that I went to Chelmsford last week to hear Mary Lee Becker talk about Middle School youth. I love that woman! She just reminds us of where the MS youth are in their development (physically, spiritually, intellectually, socially and morally) which is all over the place and also of their needs - to be social and loved. She uses the example of how when she goes to Mass, especially in a strange place, she finds the altar servers and thanks them for servicng the parish in that way. She says that they way they look at her is comical - like huh? you are thanking me? um - your welcome?

So I did this on Sunday. I went up and thanked the older one for serving (and introduced myself too) and told him that he was such a great witness and example for the younger one. He seemed genuinely pleased to be noticed. I then went out to the altar to thank the younger one. He was so little and cute - he said um - your welcome? so cute! I will continue to do this and will start to remember their names and thank them by name. Simple thing but meaningful to these young people ... and it is truly nice to have them up there serving with ease (sometimes not with ease - but that just keeps things interesting)

How we view influences how we value ... think about that for a minute... Now think about the MS youth that you know ... ok got a group in mind? MLB reminds us that with MS youth we have to minister from the inside out ... view them from the inside not from what comes out on the outside ... make sense?

that they are concrete (can I draw a picture of it? good that is concrete) and they have these 3 questions with what you are teaching: What does it mean? Why does it matter? How does it make a difference in my life / the world?

and that they are limit pushers by design - it is their job ... so those MS youth who push and push and push until you want to scream? They are overachievers at their job. love them for that ... remind me of that sometime please!

So that is my post on MLB!

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