Tuesday, September 05, 2006

No sores from the new saddle...

So day 1 of the new job is over. It was a strange feeling driving in today. I had no idea what my day would look like. I had aimed to get there at 10:00 but I actually arrived at 11:00. No problemo.

I met with my new boss first. He basically said that his hope is that we will remain status quo for the beginning and then he looks forward to seeing where my creativity will take us. And if there is anything I need from him, just let him know. We talked about the location of my office ... in the basement ... and the possibility of moving up a floor. After much analysis we decided that it is better for right now to stay in basement. I have my own entrance so people coming after hours will not distur after hours activities in the rectory as he has living quarters on the first floor too.

Then I met with the DRE for the lower grades and she had a list of things that were waiting for me to start... need for catechists ... checks received for retreats that were not accompanied by any forms ... book order needing to be placed ...showing me how to access calendar, email and vm ...

I made a list of questions to ask the YM at the neighboring parish... I im'd with her and spoke with her ... we are meeting tomorrow and she will give me a tour of the town, show me where the schools are, where to get a sandwich ... and aspirin, and answer any questions I came up with as I began to sort through the stuff I was given today.

Then, to my surprise - my boss stopped down to ask me how my first day was going. He said he wanted me to know that he is happy that I am on board and that I am valued here. How great is that!! Such a simple gesture, yet full of meaning.

I think this is the beginning of a great adventure.


HerMajesty00 said...

Paula, it is the start of a great adventure! And what a nice reminder how simple acknowledgment can make such a difference to someone. You are going to be such an asset to that Parish!

HerMajesty00 said...

Today you are the luckiest person in the world (and the rest of us are jealous! - but happy for you). Here's hoping tomorrow you will be equally lucky. Best of luck.